【手機病毒 】想要拍出好氣色,當心29款美肌相機應用程式會發送色情內容,還會偷個資盜用照片

Google Play上出現多款美肌相機應用程式會發送色情內容,將使用者導到釣魚網站或收集他們的照片。

趨勢科技在Google Play上發現多款相機應用程式(偵測為AndroidOS_BadCamera.HRX)會連到遠端廣告配置伺服器來做出惡意行為,
包括 Pro Camera Beauty、Cartoon Art Photo與Emoji Camera 三款已經被下載了數百萬次

,Artistic effect Filter的下載數量超過30萬,逾10萬下載量的則有Art Editor、Beauty Camera、Selfie Camera Pro、Horizon Beauty Camera、Super Camera、Art Effects for Photo及Awesome Cartoon Art。

Google Play上出現多款美肌相機應用程式會發送色情內容,將使用者導到釣魚網站或收集他們的照片

圖1.Google Play上惡意美肌應用程式的截圖

過年親友團聚,各種打卡拍照不能少,套用各種美美的濾鏡就能簡單拍出好氣色,但現在要小心了!趨勢科技在Google Play上發現多款熱門的相機應用程式(偵測為AndroidOS_BadCamera.HRX)會推送欺詐和色情內容的惡意廣告,甚至引導受害者下載付費色情播放程式(偵測為AndroidOS_PornPlayer.UHRXA),或是連結到遠端廣告配置伺服器從事廣告分析。值得注意的是,此類應用程式有部分已經被下載了高達數百萬次,其中來自亞洲的下載量更為大宗!



Figure 2. Code snippet to show how the malicious app hides itself from the application list




恭喜贏得iPhone X?導向釣魚網站來要求使用者提供個人資料


 Figure 3. Screenshots of the pop-up ads. The Chinese text in the middle screenshot is an announcement that the user has won an iPhone X. Clicking OK on the pop ups will bring up a phishing website

圖3、廣告截圖。中間截圖通知使用者贏得iPhone X。點擊OK會被導到釣魚網站


  • hxxps://d3pukqxlxhielm.cloudfront.net/congfig[.]json
  • hxxps://dgld3i8oh1hf6.cloudfront.net/congfig[.]json


Figure 4 and 5. Network traffic and code snippet showing how the unwanted ads pop up by browser

Figure 4 and 5. Network traffic and code snippet showing how the unwanted ads pop up by browser


將你美化」後 的照片,上傳社群媒體冒用你的大頭貼

我們進一步調查找到另一批Google Play上的照片濾鏡應用程式有類似的行為。這些應用程式讓使用者上傳照片到指定伺服器來進行「美化」。但使用者並不會拿到編輯好的照片,而是出現用九種不同語言提示假更新的圖片。作者可能會收集透過應用程式上傳的照片來用在惡意目的 – 如用在社群媒體的假個人資料照片。

 Figure 5: The Fill ART Photo Editor (middle: the “editing process”, right: the fake update)

圖6:Fill ART Photo Editor(中:編輯過程,右:假更新訊息)


 Figure 7: Malicious Camera Filter Apps downloaded from Google Play

圖7:從Google Play下載的惡意相機濾鏡應用程式



 Figure 6. Reviews from one of the apps. Most of the scores are either 5-star or 1-star, in a “U” shaped curve, which might indicate that the legitimate reviewers are giving it a low rating, while the fake ones are giving it as high a rating as possible




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套件(Package)名稱 應用程式名稱 下載次數
com.beauty.camera.years.pro Pro Camera Beauty 1,000,000+
com.cartoon.art.photo.ygy.camera Cartoon Art Photo 1,000,000+
com.lyrebirdstudio.emoji_camera Emoji Camera 1,000,000+
art.eff.filter.photo.editor Artistic effect Filter 500,000+
art.filter.editor.imge Art Editor 100,000+
com.beauty.camera.project.cloud Beauty Camera 100,000+
com.selfie.camerapro.pro Selfie Camera Pro 100,000+
com.camera.beauty.kwok.horizon Horizon Beauty Camera 100,000+
com.camera.ygysuper.photograph Super Camera 100,000+
com.effects.art.photo.for.self Art Effects for Photo 100,000+
com.solidblack.awesome.cartoon.art.pics.photo.editor Awesome Cartoon Art 100,000+
com.photoeditor.artfilterphoto Art Filter Photo 50,000+
com.photocorner.artfilter.arteffect.prizma Art Filter Photo Effcts 10,000+
com.picfix.cartoonphotoeffects Cartoon Effect 10,000+
com.picsartitude.arteffect Art Effect 10,000+
com.csmart.photoframelab Photo Editor 5,000+
com.wallpapers.nuclear.hd.hd3d.best.live.nuclear Wallpapers HD 5,000+
com.perfectmakeup.magicartfilter.photoeditor.selfiecamera Magic Art Filter Photo Editor 5,000+
appworld.fillartphotoeditor.technology Fill Art Photo Editor 1,000+
com.artflipphotoediting ArtFlipPhotoEditing 1,000+
com.artphoto.artfilter.artpiczone Art Filter 1,000+
com.photoeditor.cartoonphoto Cartoon Art Photo 1,000+
com.photoeditor.prismaeffects Prizma Photo Effect 1,000+
com.cmds.artphotofiltereffect Cartoon Art Photo Filter 100+
com.latestnewappzone.photoartfiltereditor Art Filter Photo Editor 100+
com.livewallpaperstudio.pixture Pixture 100+
app.pixelworlds.arteffect Art Effect 50+
timepassvideostatus.photoarteffect.cartoonpainteffect Photo Art Effect 10+
com.techbuzz.cartoonfilter Cartoon Photo Filter 5+

@原文出處:Various Google Play “Beauty Camera” Apps Sends Users Pornographic Content, Redirects Them to Phishing Websites and Collects Their Pictures 作者:Lorin Wu(行動威脅分析師)